Saturday, 31 January 2009
Total Wipeout
I'm watching some weird program on TV right now called Total Wipeout. It's exactly like Takeshi's Castle, only I understand what they're saying. It's quite amusing. I like watching crap on TV. It takes my mind off things.
how can I give this a title?!
I woke up today in a nice puddle of dribble! LMAO! I had a nice lay-in today. I'll be able to stay up late tonight so that I can watch American Pie Presents The Naked Mile. I'm working my way through all the American Pie films, then I'll move onto something else that I haven't seen. I don't watch movies much because I can't find any that I like! It's quite frustrating. I'm very narrow-minded when it comes to films to be honest. I know what I like and don't like. I hate action films. They really aren't my sort of thing at all.
It's a shame that I didn't go up town today because the weather is decent for once. The weater forecast says that there might be a chance of snow tomorrow, but I don't think so. Come on, you've gotta be realistic haven't you? Snow in Ely? Hahahaha! Yeah right! The weather here doesn't do anything properly. I remember once when there was a massive thunderstorm. It was great! Me and my dad sat outside under this blue sheet of plastic that we'd put up earlier to create some shade. The rain was pourring down and it was quite exciting. I love it when it rains like that. Thunder and lightning is brilliant, especially when it wakes you up in the middle fo the night. Usually I get up and watch it! That was a couple of years ago. I know that because my rabbit Thumper was still alive, and Plonker. I miss Thumper a lot. As sad as this may sound, he was one of my best friends! I love him so much! I loved Plonker too, but he was more interested in laying in his muddy plant pot LOL! Plonker gave the best cuddles. Thumper was far too fat and he hated being picked up. I still have one rabbit. His name is Gerard. He doesn't like to be touched or picked up much. I don't blame him after the family who used to take care of him. The kids used to chuck him about a bit. He's a bit grumpy at the moment because he hasn't had a run around in a while. I would let him out, but his fur gets all matted in winter. He has almost all day out in summer because my dad looks after him. We'll make it up to him. =]
It's a shame that I didn't go up town today because the weather is decent for once. The weater forecast says that there might be a chance of snow tomorrow, but I don't think so. Come on, you've gotta be realistic haven't you? Snow in Ely? Hahahaha! Yeah right! The weather here doesn't do anything properly. I remember once when there was a massive thunderstorm. It was great! Me and my dad sat outside under this blue sheet of plastic that we'd put up earlier to create some shade. The rain was pourring down and it was quite exciting. I love it when it rains like that. Thunder and lightning is brilliant, especially when it wakes you up in the middle fo the night. Usually I get up and watch it! That was a couple of years ago. I know that because my rabbit Thumper was still alive, and Plonker. I miss Thumper a lot. As sad as this may sound, he was one of my best friends! I love him so much! I loved Plonker too, but he was more interested in laying in his muddy plant pot LOL! Plonker gave the best cuddles. Thumper was far too fat and he hated being picked up. I still have one rabbit. His name is Gerard. He doesn't like to be touched or picked up much. I don't blame him after the family who used to take care of him. The kids used to chuck him about a bit. He's a bit grumpy at the moment because he hasn't had a run around in a while. I would let him out, but his fur gets all matted in winter. He has almost all day out in summer because my dad looks after him. We'll make it up to him. =]
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
stupid homework
I'm really fed up of school. I'm getting to the point where I hate going. I stayed behind after school for about an hour so that I could catch up on ICT coursework, but I didn't get anything done. I need to get AO4 completed before the deadline. Our teacher doesn't actually teach us anything, she just expects us to get on with it. I don't learn like that unfortunately. I have some business coursework due in tomorrow. I've done it, but I know for a fact that it's crap. I put a lot of effort into task 1 and task 2, but I couldn't be bothered with task 3. This is mainly because I got angry about spending ages finding a map of Archer & Archer Solicitors, and then my teacher told me that it had to include parking. I was really pissed off about it. I have some science homework to do about the periodic table, but I'm not going to do that. I'm deffinately not doing my maths homework. There's no point because I don't understand it. I'm doing quite well because I'm only failing 2 subjects. I'm doing really well in science for some reason.
periodic table,
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
off school, english coursework
Today's going to be a little bit boring. I should be at school, but I'm not. Dad couldn't get me the film that I wanted; Teeth that is. I shall try to find something else to watch instead. Perhaps I could finish Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. I stared watching it last night, but I got too tired to finish it. I might even complete my English essay! I don't have much to do to be honest, but there are still improvements to be made. I'm still a little worried about the other piece of my English coursework because it's due in on the 6th February, and I have no idea what to write. Basically, to cut a long story short, I have to write a letter or a diary extract of someone who's in the war. My teacher said it would be best to write it in the first person. She also said it could be either from a male point of view or a female. I chose to do the male point of view because I know nothing about war nurses. Anyway, so far I have...
There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, for the things I have witnessed no other man should ever see. The pain is so much more than just loss of limb, or the sheer feeling of being alone. It's the terror of silently knowing that with each minute that passes, death is creeping steadily towards us over the gaping mouth of No Man's Land.
Does anyone ahve any suggestions as to what I could write next?
There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, for the things I have witnessed no other man should ever see. The pain is so much more than just loss of limb, or the sheer feeling of being alone. It's the terror of silently knowing that with each minute that passes, death is creeping steadily towards us over the gaping mouth of No Man's Land.
Does anyone ahve any suggestions as to what I could write next?
Monday, 26 January 2009
We're studying evolution in science, so that should be interesting. I often get confused though because there are so many questions that can't be answered. I only wish that my science teacher would shut up once in a while. I find what he's saying cool and everything, but not for a whole hour. I'd like to do something else too. There's only so long that I can listen to him talking.
I think I have bronchitis again. My cough is getting worse by the day, and I know that I will have to go to the doctors in the end. I just don't want them to give me any more amoxicillin. It's the most disgusting antibiotic that I've ever had to take. Oh well, if it makes me better, then I guess I can't complain. I also hope that if I go, I don't get the grumpy doctor. I really hate her. Another thing, I hate sitting in the waiting room with a load of other ill people. *shudders*
Sunday, 25 January 2009
school full of fucktards
I'm glad I'm not going to school on Tuesday. Why the fuck would I want to participate in some stupid army activity? As it happens, I do not want to join the army. This will be our second Conference Day that has been based around the armed forces. It's fucking ridiculous. I'm glad I skipped it last time. Our school really is run by a load of wankers. I hate the way they think that they know everything about how to get good results for students. They know fuck all. It's taken them 5 years to get decent results from their students. How am I meant to get all A's and A*'s if the teachers are fucking retards? I'm basically going to school for 6 hours and doing nothing for 3 of them. What's the point of even going to school if I'm not learning anything? I've stopped doing my homework too. I've lost all motivation. It doesn't even get marked most of the time. It feels like a waste of effort. Besides, a GCSE in fucking geography isn't going to make me happy is it? It seems as if nothing will ever make me happy.
the meaning of life
What's the meaning of life? :) Someone please tell me. I'd love to know what you think.
a better life
I've just realised how pathetic my problems are in comparison to other people's. I've been told so many times before that I shouldn't compare myself to others, but maybe I needed that comparison all along, maybe all I had to do was look around. If I can push all my negativity aside, then I have a great life waiting for me. That's the only thing I can think of that could possibly be holding me back. I could enjoy my life more, I just need to be positive. I know that, it's just hard. Being negative has become a habit. I see the worst in everything, apart from people. Maybe I just have to accept that some things have no point in life. I'm asking questions with no answers. Not only does that frustrate me, it makes me feel really small and worthless. I just need to learn how to stop.
questions with no answers
I don't feel well this morning :(
I feel terrible this morning. I haven't felt this ill for a long time. It sucks. :( I put some music on to try and cheer myself up, but it's actually doing the opposite. It's only making me remember bad times. I know for a fact that today is going to be a terrible day. I just get that sense.
Saturday, 24 January 2009
I can't think of a title for this!
I'm going up town today with some friends, so that should be fun. Ususally, we just hang about, mess around, and generally do retarded things. I don't have much money right now because I spent it all, but that won't be a problem. I never buy much anyway. I have a bit of a sore throat today, but I can deal with that. It could've been much worse. I'm just happy that I can breathe properly. I really hate having to breathe through my mouth. Perhaps I really will be ill on Tuesday? Oh no, what a shame. I might miss out on Conference Day. That would be rather unfortunate. xD Ooh, I have a New Look card to use up. My nan sent it to me for Christmas. I completely forgot about that.
Friday, 23 January 2009
eeek starbucks!

I would like to declare my love for the Mango and Passionfruit Juice from Starbucks! It's like AMAZING! Quite expensive, but worth every penny of it. They're like Slush Puppies, only a million times better. They're like orgy in a cup! I could drink them all day, even though they'd no doubt make me pee a lot. LOL!
spaghetti... no wait, argument!
I only have 10 minutes before have to start cooking dinner. I am making spaghetti bolognese. :) I can't believe I'm 15, and still wearing a bib. Well, a teatowel. I just can't get the food in my mouth. Oh well, I'm 'special'! xD I've had a good day today, apart from when I came home and my dad demanded that I took my uniform off so that it could be washed. I said that I'd do it after I'd done my science homework, but he shouted at me. As as result, I told him that he was a fucking imbecile. This is true. Sometimes I honestly believe he has the mental capacity of the cornflake... Not to worry though. I'm over the incident. I get over arguments quickly.
Thursday, 22 January 2009
another chunk of my life
I have The Simpsons on at the moment, although I'm not particularly paying any attention to it. I'd much prefer to watch Family Guy or American Dad, but this will do. I wonder how much of my life I've spent watching TV? I think that there are too many days to count. TV appears to be as necessary to me as oxygen. It's quite sad really. I'd much rather be out with friends, but no one seems to want to go anywhere or do anything. I hate going out by myself. It's not because I'm frightened to, I just feel like people are watching me. I know that I'm being ridiculous, but I can't help it. When I'm in a shop, I get stared at like I'm a shop lifter. I would NEVER steal anything, but their accusing eyes make me feel guilty. I then start to actually feel like a shop lifter. Makes no sense at all. That's my life.
american dad,
family guy,
the simpsons,
I love my friends
I love my friends! Perhaps it's their ability to cheer me up when I feel sad. They're so awesome. I don't know what I'd do without them. It makes me happy when we just hang about doing retarded things. Laughing really is one of my favourite things in the whole wide world. There's just something about it that makes everything else go away. Making other people laugh too can also be quite rewarding and seeing my friends smile makes me feel good.
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
business and career choices
I've been home from school for about 35 minutes now. I've finally finished Task 2 on my business coursework. I hate studying Archer & Archer Solicitors. When we went there to find out about the business, I thought to myself "this is definately not the job I want to do when I'm older." Why would I want to let low-life chavs get away with doing wrong? It really wouldn't be a good job choice for me. I don't actually know what I want to do yet. I have thought about it, but nothing has taken my fancy. I'd like to think that I'd choose a career that's linked with French, but that might not necessarily be the case. I'll just have to wait and see I guess.
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
'positive discrimination' / gurpal mameer
I feel kind of guilty that I haven't completed any ICT coursework in the last month or so. Why is it that everyone's name is Asian? On the coursework tasks I mean. Come on, 'Gurpal Mameer'? I just realised how incredibly racist that sounded. Anyway, you won't get far with 'positive discrimination'. It's still a form of discrimination and I think that it's a load of bullshit to be perfectly honest. What's the point? No one benefits from it because it's fake.
I must mention that 'Gurpal Mameer' has to be one of the coolest names on the planet!! xD Hahaha! I like it because it sounds like a type of sex position! LMAO!
I must mention that 'Gurpal Mameer' has to be one of the coolest names on the planet!! xD Hahaha! I like it because it sounds like a type of sex position! LMAO!
Gurpal Mameer,
positive discrimination,
sex position
good day, although cooking is crap
I just got a text! :) Woo! It's from George! Yay! Anyway, I've had a good day today. In fact, it's been an awesome day! For once in my life, I've had a day that's been easy. French was easy because I already know all the vocabulary we learnt, science was good because I was listening to Wade's interesting ghost theories, PE was alright too because I was pissing about with Emma in the fitness suite, English was really boring, especially since Brendan wasn't there, and food was alright too because I didn't burn my pastry! However, I did have to clean up after everyone else. I hate it every week when I have to clean up five other peoples' mess. It's like I have 'mug' written on my forehead. The only reason that I do it is so that I can get out to lunch/next lesson on time. They treat me like a fucking retard, when in actual fact, I'm the most intelligent person in that unit. I know that sounds so big-headed, perhaps it is, but it's also true. The thing that annoys me most is that I first did it in an act of kindness, now they just expect me to do it. I don't like people who are like that. People who take advantage of others, that is. I wanted to help them, and I did. Now I regret ever doing it. To be honest, those people don't mean anything to me. I'm not into the way they treat others and I don't like their personalities much either. They're not friends at all, even if they think they are. I only tolerate their idiocy because I have to share a cooker with them. I really regret taking food to be honest. I don't enjoy cooking much. You might ask why I took it, and I have no answer for that. I would've been much better off taking drama. Still, saying that, once it comes to the coursework I'll be fine. That's my stronger point.
Monday, 19 January 2009
deal or no deal?
I know this is quite sad, but it annoys me so much. When introducing Deal or No Deal, Noel says: "The show where there is only one question: welcome to Deal or No Deal?". I understand that the gameshow title is actually a question, and would therefore have a question mark, but "welcome to Deal or No Deal" is not a question. It really fucking pisses me off. Another thing, sometimes the banker offers a swap to the contestant. In this case the question is "swap or no swap?" Noel lies... you cannot trust him. Actually, Deal or No Deal is kind of... boring now. It's been on for so long, and it's the same every time. I stopped watching it after the first few weeks of it being on TV. It just irritates me.
homework & school
I've got a shit load of homework to do, and I really can't be bothered to do it. Seriously, if it's not going to get marked even, then why should I put the effort into doing it? I feel like the teachers are taking the piss to be honest. I rarely ever benefit from doing homework because I never get any feed back. What's the point of becoming a teacher if you're not going to contribute to your students' work? Oh, I understand now. Perhaps it's the 12 week holiday that comes in the package. I've only ever had a few good teachers in my life, and one fucked off to some other school. My school is meant to be a business school. That's their 'area of expertise'. Fuck no it's not. I haven't learnt a single thing in business within my four years there. Their quality of teaching is crap and their resources are pathetic. There's one business teacher that I just can't stand. She even says herself that she hates teachng it. She's a lazy cow. The other day I saw her waddling down the stairs as I was going up and she had a fucking sandwich in her hand. I couldn't believe my eyes. I'm glad I don't have her anymore. Still, the teacher I have now isn't much better. All we ever do is ineteractive business on the computers. She never actually teaches us anything. I'm going to have to do a lot of hard work to get the A that they want me to.
Sunday, 18 January 2009
fed up - fat & ugly
I've cheered up quite a lot now athough I still don't feel right. I think that I'll go and get a bag of crisps. I find that eating my feelings helps... sometimes. That's probably the reason that I'm so fat, but who cares. No one would ever look at me anyway because I'm so hideous.
school stuff, kinda?
I've just remembered that I'm going round Kathryn's house today. That's something to smile about at least. We're only going to be doing school work, but it's better than sitting at home doing nothing. It's possibly going to be one of the most nerdy things that I've ever done in my life, but it will help me a lot. My main concerns for today are maths and English, although I also hope to complete my citizenship homework and get ahead with my business coursework. I really regret taking applied business because I feel like it's a waste of time. The only good thing that's come out of it is that I met George. I know how gay this is going to sound, but I really love him to pieces. He's one of the nicest people that I've met, and he can always make me smile with his Womanizer dance. Laughing is what I like to do best because it seems to make me forget about all the crap that happens.
good moning world...
I'm not in a very good mood this morning. I'm tired and I'm fed up. I've also got my mum and dad irritating me, which is only making me feel more bad tempered. My dad keeps trying to talk to me and I don't want to, and my mum is sitting there vegetating, as usual. Do you know what it's like being surrounded by imbeciles all the time? I can't even escape it when I come home from school because I live on a council estate that's full of fucking chavs. I have literally no one to talk to, and it's driving me insane.
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