Tuesday, 30 June 2009

I'm multi-tasking atm and it's rather stressful tbh haha. I'm talking to Tom and Sir Stargazer on MSN. Well, I guess I'd be talking to Sir Stargazer on Yahoo from his point of view. I hate not being able to use all my emotes! :L I'm also on Facebook, talking mainly to Luke. I have to confess that I thought he was a knob when I first heard about him (for reasons that I shall not publish because they are mean), but he seems pretty nice. Friendly enough for the friend request anyway lol. I'm also Blogging... obviously! I'm listening to the Darkness as well! My guilty pleasure ;) Justin Hawkins oh yeah ;) LOL

Monday, 29 June 2009

I'm really sad that Mr. Doji is going to be leaving at the end of this year. I reckon that it'd be a waste of time for me to buy him a present because I have no idea what he wants, but I'm going to write him a card. He's always been really good to me, especially since I found out about my mum. When he was talking to my dad on the phone, he said that he'd look after me like I was his own daughter. Not only that, but he's one of the best teachers that I've ever had. He really is a great person and I'll never forget about him. However, I'm slightly concerned about what's going to happen afterwards. We have one year left at school... and we're going to need a new form tutor. I get this horrible feeling that our form is going to be split up into groups and distrubuted into all the other forms. I think this because that's what they did to Richard's form. Hopefully we'll just get another tutor, but no one will ever be as good as Mr. Doji.

I'm really looking forward to the weekend. Mainly because I'm going to be out on both days, providing that everything goes to plan. On Saturday I'm going to Cambridge with Tom, Chris and Tilly to see a film. Either Year One or Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs. My inner child is drawing me towards Ice Age, but to be fair, it has got better ratings. I don't really mind, I'm just happy to go out! On Sunday I'm going to Ely Aquafest with Emma, Jack, Rissa and Jazz! I can get my face painted again! Last time I had to sit in a little toddlers chair and wait in queue with all the kids hahahaha!

I actually love that song.

I should be doing my coursework. I'm behind on English, French, science, geography and I'm about to start my food stuff, so that'll be another thing to worry about.

If I could, then I would, I'll go wherever you will go! <3>
Fourth time in a row that I've listened to it now.

Plan to get in to see Bruno:
a) Get Phil to take me because he's tall and can get into 18's... however, I have to buy his ticket for him (N)
b) Go during a school day so they think I'm older
c) Carry around a Debenhams bag or something to make me look older
d) Change the clothes that I wear
e) Wear sunglasses so that they can't see my face, or even just regular glasses
f) Perhaps put on a little bit more make-up
g) Obviously act like an adult

Anyone got any other ideas on how to get in? Those things are the best that me and my dad could come up with so far.

I'm listening to Give in to Me by Michael Jackson right now. In maths today, Louis asked me how I reacted when I found out that he'd died and if I cried about it. I was actually really upset, but I didn't cry. I was in shock for a while. Anyway, this is probably one of my favourite songs. If not my favourite one of his to be honest.

Sunday, 28 June 2009

There must be a way for me to get into Bruno. Perhaps if I go with my cousin and her boyfriend, I could pass as being 18 years old. I might need to cover myself in make-up and wear heels or something, but I'm not going to give in. I will legally be able to have a child in a few months, but I can't watch Bruno. It's a fucking joke. I think I might just die if I don't see Bruno.

Saturday, 27 June 2009

I can't describe how fucking pissed off I am right now because Bruno is a certificate 18. I'm actually really upset about it because I was really looking forward to seeing it. I'm a big fan of Ali G and Borat... this is the perfect film for me. I think the age laws are RIDICULOUS because I'm going to watch it under age anyway, as soon as it comes out on DVD. You can shove your age laws up your arses you fucktards. Why not make the extra money out of me? I thought that's what you wanted. Fuck you.

Thursday, 25 June 2009

My day has been pretty fit :) I shall start off by saying that I wrote just over 7 A4 pages during my food exam... I think the invigilators were getting pissed off with me asking for paper. xD There was some weird guy sitting at the front, but he wasn't exactly helping much. He was drawing on this piece of lined paper. Every now and then he looked up as if he was drawing me. :/ I didn't like this. When I finally got to look at his drawing, it appeared to be some sort of half person, half monster thing haha.

Why do all the drunk blokes come to me?! They'll be staggering towards me with their can of Special Brew and then they'll say something incredibly retarded. It makes me laugh, but at the same time, it creeps me out. LOL! "Pass your SE's kids! And your O-Levels! Do you like my tattoo?"

I went up town with Tilly and Emma after school. I ate 6 icelollies. :)

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

I didn't have any proper lessons today because it was Conference Day. I fell asleep in the last period because the guy giving us the presentation was so fucking boring. No one actually gives a shit about his prisons tbh. Overall, my day has been pretty good. I haven't taken it seriously and I've been messing about for at least 60% of the day. It was nice, even if painfully tedious.

I have nothing else to say.

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Today hasn't been a bad day :)

I had a mock French exam for the first hour of the day, but Mr. Jackson had already given it to us a couple of months ago. This pleased me because it felt familiar, even if I couldn't remember any of the answers. I think I did alright. Not great, but alright. I messed up a few pages, but there was a lot of it that I found easy. I'm hoping to get around 30 marks in total. The whole paper is worth 45 and I don't expect to do any better with as little practise as we've had.

The next lesson I had was science, but hardly anyone was in the lesson. I like smaller classes because they're more fun. Mr. Wright kept making me laugh! Oh... Mr. Wright. How can you not love him? He's such a cockhead sometimes, but he's a complete retard. xD He wouldn't let me used the big electrical tube thing though. *Cries* It looked like fun! D:

After a fun break time I had an hour and a half shitizenship exam. This was a mock as well, but I think I did pretty well. I DIDN'T WRITE ANYTHING OFFENSIVE OR SARCASTIC ABOUT RELIGION! *Looks proud with herself* :D Sam Day dropped his pen and he couldn't reach to pick it up. This made me lol internally.


Last lesson was food, but I spent that not doing much. :)

I've finished my French coursework draft and I've made a start on my essay. I feel so much more chillaxed although still pissed about it. :P

I apologise for any typos, but I'm not checking it through.

Monday, 22 June 2009

I'm not feeling too great. In fact, I feel fucking terrible. It's only Monday and I'm already exhausted. Being at school is making me ill and run down. I need to get away from it all because I can't cope anymore. There's only so long that I can put on the "i'm fine" act. I have a lot of stuff going on in my life right now and thinking about coursework is getting me down. To be honest, I just want to enjoy my life. I want to be happy, but things like school get in the way. I'm trying really hard to get all my work done, but I'm not making any progress. I feel like I'm going backwards.

I'm going to stop now before I start crying.
I'm fed up of failing everything I do.
No matter how hard I try, I'm never good enough to get to where I want to be.
School is important, but I'm finding it so hard to do all the work.
I've just spent fucking ages trying to do my Frankenstein essay, but I've made no progress at all. I wrote 3 sentences in about 40 minutes and they're all fucking terrible. I can't be bothered anymore because I'm getting nowhere. I also have geography coursework to do and apparently French now. Oh, not forgetting that fucking osmosis shite. I can't handle it all. It's driving me insane. I try to do it every night, but I have no motivation.

Friday, 19 June 2009

I'm feeling pretty pissed off right now, but only because boredom is taking over me. I actually have fuck all to do. I've been waiting for over 20 minutes for somebody interesting to sign into MSN or Facebook, but there's been no luck so far. I could be using this time to make a start on my English essay, but I don't see the point. I fucking hate Frankenstein and everything about it. Victor's creation is a deformed dickmunch. I understand that the audience are meant to feel sorry for him. Damn right I'm fucking sorry. Sorry that this pile of shite was even written and published in the first place. Why couldn't we study something interesting? Perhaps then I'd be more motivated to study the ambiguities of language. I really do need to put all this anger a side and write the fucker otherwise I might just have a breakdown.

Another thing that I'm angry about is the fact that we have a load of mock exams in the middle of our science coursework. How the fuck am I meant to plan our preliminary experiment if I'm missing all my science lessons? Mr. Malpass hasn't even written down what we're meant to be doing yet. He expects us to get on with it just because we're in the top set. I'm slightly annoyed that I'm going to end up doing it alone because Emma wasn't in school when it was "explained" to us. This means that she knows even less than me and I have no one to ask for help. Oh well, if it's anywhere near as good as my business coursework, then I'll get a D.

I should spend this time completing my coursework, which I am terribly behind with... however, I'd much rather do this right now. I'll have time to get some of it done tomorrow because I've decided to meet you guys in town a little later, probably after lunch. :) I need to make a start on my "Frankenshite" essay, my osmosis coursework and my geography coursework on susainable tourism in the Norfolk Broads. All of these make me want to grill kittens and eat them, but I will fail at life if I don't do well.

I had a geography exam today actually. It lasted an hour and a half, but I had over 45 minutes to spare, which worried me slightly. I didn't find it that difficult or challenging, but often when I think that, I've completely failed it. At the end of the exam, the invigilator got out a lemon wipe and just stood there holding it. I was laughing so much inside and I couldn't help laughing outside :L I had to resort to putting my hands over my face so that I couldn't see him. I found this rather amusing and it only made me laugh more.

Oh crap time for dinner. I shall finish this later...

Wednesday, 17 June 2009


Monday, 15 June 2009

I'm trying to be happy and I'm trying to smile, but it is becoming increasingly difficult. Everything seems to be going wrong. I got a phone call from dad and he sounded strange, like something was wrong. Now I'm expecting more bad news when he gets home. I'd rather he hadn't phoned.

Sunday, 14 June 2009

go fuck yourself =D

For the first time in my life, I didn't feel like a shoplifter when I went into town today. I only wish that more shops were open on Sundays because that's the day that I like to go out by myself. To be honest, it's the one time that I can look around properly because the only distraction is myself. Obviously there are other people around me, but they're nothing to do with my life. That's how I'd like to keep it. I did see Matt whilst I was there. He waved at me, which I thought was quite nice. :)
I was disappointed that I could find much to buy, but I'm pretty happy with my new pair of skinny jeans.

I cooked myself spaghetti bolognese for lunch. :) I bought all the stuff I needed from town. I even washed up all my mess. This will please my parents when they get back from my nan and granddad's house. I would've gone, but I can't stand to be anywhere near my granddad. I feel sorry for my nan because I haven't seen her for so long, but I'll find the time somewhere. To be honest, the time isn't the problem, it's the fact that I know he's always going to be there when I go. I've never hated someone more in my life. He's a horrible person.

Me and Kirsty are having a nice chat on MSN. :)

Thursday, 11 June 2009

bitch'eth de coeur'acus'less-ness

Do you want me to tell you how much sense that makes?
- A punnet.

I get really angry when I hear people mention punnets. How is that a unit of measurement? It's a plastic tub that varies in size. I mean, you wouldn't go into a shop and ask for a shoe of raspberries now, would you? I prefer my units of measurement to be more accurate.

Shopping List:
- A shoe of raspberries
- An 18th century flask of cornflakes
- A tissue of milk
- An oven of peas

You can't measure things like that.

"Rah rah rah umbrolly rah rah Mary Poppins rah Louis Morgan rah rah rah *snatch*"
-SCREAM- I mashed you, bitch. I had a masher for mashing up potatoes into mash. Seriously, you got freakin' mashed with a masher. "Well, I am a veggie!"
...But not a boiled veggie.

Then me and George walked up to English, arm in arm. I shouted "chicken pie" in retarded Joe's face. The one from Work Experience in set 4, year 8.
:) He grinned. Silly illiterate children. Gotta love 'em. (Y)
Poor Brendan. I was like "SMELL ME! SMELL ME! ONIONS!"
"Erm... it's washing powder..."
"NO... IT'S... THAI... CANDLES!" :D
The little Aussie that everyone wants to secretly bum. :)

I made a Shepherd's pie today. It was cooked to perfection. I only got a B+ for it, but that's only because my teacher considers it to be a "low ability" dish. I suppose it wasn't hard. In fact, I know it wasn't hard because I didn't blow anything up in the process. I have a picture of Shona and Evie's mess. I shall upload it when my phone is charged... (tomorrow) You'll all understand what I'm talking about when I complain about their mess. Today was ridiculous, so I didn't help to clean it. *Proud face* However, I did go into Unit 4 to help Bradley. He even said "thanks" :) It's nice to know that he appreciated it. It didn't feel so pointless. He's a wanker, but I can't help but feel sorry for the little guy tbh.

Aaaaanyway, been arguing with a few people. Doesn't matter. They can fuck off. Dad realised that he was being a dick because he texted me. I am willing to give him yet another chance.

I'm bored of this now. I don't want to write any more about my day.

Oh, one last thing. Becky is lovely. <3

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

I can't explain how sad I feel. Well, I could, but it would be pointless. I try to say how I feel, but people throw it back in my face. Either that or they don't understand. I can't try to be somebody else.

Tuesday, 9 June 2009


Monday, 8 June 2009


Je suis allé à la Norfolk Broads aujourd'hui, avec ma classe de géo. Il a fait nuageux, mais après avoir mangé le déjeuner, il a fait du soleil. :) Je n'ai pas besoin de mon parapluie! J'ai acheté deux glaces! Bien, l'un était un icelolly. :L Plus au point, je survécu au trajet en bus! Cela est écrit en français! Même si c'est la merde français! :L Je vais maintenant être tranquille.

I don't know how to write in French! Approximately 40% of that made any sense.

Thursday, 4 June 2009

This really is the wrong time to start a new blog post, seeing as my dinner's ready in approximately 30 seconds. I have to go now, so I shall continue with this afterwards. (Y)

La garce is back! JAI HO! Greetings to all who bother to read this. :) Sorry that I haven't really been commenting on any of your blogs. I'm not going to lie... I really couldn't be bothered too. I've either been too tired, out, doing things more important or doing things more fun. I'm gonna try to comment sometime this week though lol. (Y)

I'm not even going to tell you what I'm listening to. I don't know what inspired me to put it on tbh. As much as I hate to admit it... it IS a really catchy song! :D Lol'acus'eth. Probably because I've been forced to listen to it so many times haha! Anyway, it doesn't matter because I've got Beyonce on now. :) "Irreplacable" If I was her, then I'd get really annoyed about everyone missing off the accent in my name. I'd be so pissed about it haha! Perhaps that's just me being awkward again... I have a talent at being awkward. It's taken me years and years to perfect it. (Y) Hurrah for sarcasm! "If you liked it then you should've put a ring on it!" :D

I made bread today. :) It came out pretty much to perfection. It was actually piss easy to make. (Y) There was very little mess to clean up, but the retards in my unit still managed it lol. JAI HO! I had to use yeast! D: I DON'T CARE WHAT THEY SAY, I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU!

Today has been quite a boring day, but I was soooooooooooooo happy that Mrs. Kay wasn't there! :DDDDD I have another teacher until next year I think. This makes me want to jizz in my pants because I fucking hate Mrs. Kay. JAI HO! I have no idea what my temporary teacher is called, but she seems quite harsh. Harsh, but professional in her job. She knows what she's talking about anyway. We have to to quite a lot of written work, but I sit next to George. :) He said my feet were small lol. JAI HO! Only in comparison to his!

OOOOOOOH Mrs. Lacey liked my article layout. ;) GET IN THERE! Makes me want to say "Gel that hair" now.

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

I will start off by saying what an embarrassing food lesson I had today. First of all I kept sneezing, then I dribbled on myself (don't even ask :L) and if that wasn't enough... I started to choke on my own spit. ROFL and you say that I'm not retarded! :L :L It's all good fun. They all think I'm weird enough as it is... today was just... BAD. I kept saying things in Germench as well and they didn't have a clue what I was on about. xD Every time I enter that room, I feel the need to make cat noises. It's getting pretty bad lol. I should try to stop it some time soon. Instead of taking it really seriously and wanting to kill myself after every lesson, I don't bother anymore. (Y) It's so much easier for me to get on with it if I stop caring. Well, I do care, just not as much. I'll pay attention to every word and I'll get on with it independently. That is the best plan.

Mr. Jackson is awesome. He's so arrogant and I love it. He's a really good teacher and he has a great sense of humour. His jokes appeal to me. He's always taking the piss out of everything. He's so horrible sometimes. xD Mwaaahahahaha my coursework will be up to his standards. ;) I'll make my work so good that he thinks I cheated again. :D TAKE THAT BEYATCH! :L

I have nicht, nicht, nicht... NICHT bothered to do any of my homework in 3 weeks. :S I should probably do that now...

Monday, 1 June 2009

I don't know if you still read this, but you know who you are.

I'm fucking tired, okay? I'm sorry that I wasn't able to read through your quiz results. I have enough trouble reading long pieces of writing as it is. I will concentrate when I feel up to it. Don't tell me what to do. I got approximately 2 hours sleep last night, like you did, only you appear to be handling it better than me. Don't just assume that I'm not interested in you because you know damn well that I am. Don't try to blame it on me either, saying that I make things complicated for myself. You think I don't know that? I don't need to be told every time we have a conversation. I will never be good enough for you, and I know that, but I'm still trying. I don't know what more you want me to do. I only do what I can. If you don't like it, then don't bother, okay? It saves us both getting hurt. I don't want to be your constant disappointment.