Saturday, 28 February 2009
Thursday, 26 February 2009
good day for once!
Hopefully I'm gonna start to go to after school maths sessions again with Mrs. Grant! xD I might actually learn some maths because Mr. Chilton is a failure. I need 'special' learning for maths because I just don't get anything. Also, I've done 5 pieces of business coursework in 2 days! I finished making improvements to my English essay too. Everything's going right for once!!
Monday, 23 February 2009
gay essay and crisps
I'm talking to Kirsty at the moment on MSN, although I have a feeling that I'm going to have to go for dinner at 5pm. I have dinner really early because I practically have no lunch. I have crisps at lunch and that's it. They're not healthy, they're not filling and they're fast release energy so they leave me feeling tired. If I don't have them then I get snappy at people and I can't concentrate. I'm basically addicted to them, which is not a good thing, but I enjoy eating them. They're quite comforting really.
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Saturday, 21 February 2009
no title for this
I'm feeling a little bit tired at the moment, although I'm hoping that my energy drink will keep me going for a little while longer. I need another boost of energy. I rely on sugar to do this for me. I only got abour 4 hours sleep last night, and not much the night before so in theory I should be feeling exhausted. I must admit that my eyes are stinging a little, but that's nothing unusual. My eyes are always stinging for some reason. I find that it's worse wherever I go out anywhere. They're fine to start with, and after about an hour or so they start burning in my eye sockets.
That reminds me, I got a letter in the post a couple of days ago from the doctors. It says that I need to book an appointment to get my booster jabs from diptheria, polio and tetnus. I'm absolutely dreading it to be honest. Most people tell me that I'm being silly about it. Perhaps I am, but I seem to have this developing fear of hospitals. They make me feel quite frightened to be honest. I could never let the doctors put needles and tubes into my veins. I'd probably have a breakdown if they ever had to do that to me. It would really upset me and I think I'd quite possibly be a little traumatized over it. They really do make me feel terrible in my head. The sense of panic that I get makes me act funny. It's not a nice feeling at all. A feeling that I'd like to stay away from.
I'm going to have to upstairs into my bedroom in a minute because no doubt my parents will want to go to bed. Dad's sleeping downstairs at the moment because his room is damp. My room is damp too, and it often causes a lot of problems for me. The mould spores get into my lungs and give me horrible chest infections. It's fine in the summer, but in winter it gets really bad. I read somewhere that mould was linked to depression. Sometimes I wonder if I suffer from depression. Maybe I'm exaggerating, but a lot of the time I don't feel very happy. Being all crazy and weird is just a way for me to mask my true feelings. I don't want to let people see me when I'm feeling depressed. I guess I do a good job because a lot of people don't even realise that I get into that state.
I'm starting to get a bit of a headache, but I'm determined to carry on blogging. If not I will end up going to bed and just laying there thinking. Being asleep is my favourite place to be, but the time before that is horrible. All I ever seem to do is think about things. I just want to turn my brain off for a little while and relax. That's exactly the reason why I'vee made sure that I'm not doing anything tomorrow. I'm just going to have a lazy day at home before school. I haven't done any of my homework, but that's not a problem really. It's only a couple of essays for Mr. Malpass. He never bothers to mark them anyway.
I'm going to hate the first Tuesday back. I have French first thing, which I enjoy, but George is getting moved down a class so I will be lonely and sad. I'll have no one to talk to at all. I've missed George quite a lot this holiday actually. More than I thought I would. Anyway, I also have PE that day, which is not going to be very fun at all. I also have to cook a fish meal last lesson. I'm going to do fish cakes and salad. I always get really stressed out when I'm cooking at school (not that I ever cook at home) and I hate having to clean up everybody elses' mess. It's not my job to do.
I'm absolutely bursting for a pee right now, but I really can't be bothered to get up of the settee. I have to brush my teeth too and get changed into my pyjamas. Thinking about it, tonight Big Fluff and my pyjamas will smell of cigarettes. Nevermind.
Oh what a surprise, I'm not allowed to take this upstairs. My dad is a fucking knobhead.
Thursday, 19 February 2009
love my new coat xD kirtsy's house!
dream 2
Here's the dream that I had last night.
Yellow - This colour is a sign of confidence in yourself and your abilities but will encounter opposition.
Walking - Freedom. Movement. Ask yourself where do you want to go.
Money - Commodity. Profit or loss. Security. What do you value in yourself?
Train - Followers. String. Connections. Be aware of present changes in your life.
- Hitler
- Mum
- Enrique Iglesias
- Hairbrush
dream 1
Time - Irreversible. Continuity. Arrival or departure of feelings. Organizing your inner self.
Travel - Journey. Freedom. Change. Change in attitude.
Rain - Release. Feelings are pouring down on you.
Race - Speed. Rush. Missing something by being in a hurry.
Grey - Related with a transition period. If clear signifies peace but if dull signifies, fear.
Black - Black signifies isolation and transition period. It shows up conflicts and friction with relations and friends.
Reading - Learning. Information revealed. Escape from reality. Something burdens you.
Fear - Unexpressed love. Self-doubts. Courage.
I can't remember all the people in it, but I'm sure that Lewis and George were there, and my dad. There were lots of people actually, only I couldn't see their faces.
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
my day out in cambridge!
Monday, 16 February 2009
spack attacks?
Sunday, 15 February 2009
"can we find all this in london?"
I teabagged myself yesterday too with the cherry sweets from the Pick 'N' Mix! Do I sense a slight amount of confusion? Nevermind then. :-)
I found a jacket that I love! It's from Peacocks and it's £16. I plan to buy it when I next go up town. I have to save enough money for Tilly and Kathryn's birthday presents though. I have no idea what to get either of them. I refuse to spend my money on a silly Power Ranger's toy because they SUCK!
Saturday, 14 February 2009
la musique!
the 'toilet' incident
happy valentine's day

Thursday, 12 February 2009
my many marriages and a random camel oh and snow drug driving darling and yes...
This is a balanced equation! 5+6+4=15 4+4+(7)=15
Emma needs to marry someone with a 7 letter name! Then it's equal between us! ;-) No more fighting over marriages!
I LOVE EMMA! I LOVE GEORGE! I LOVE WADE! Everybody is happy!
OMG it's still snowing! It hasn't snowed like this for a long time. Usually we get one crappy day of snow a year, but we've had quite a few so far! I'm getting a little bit bored of it to be honest. I miss summer! I love going up town with friends and just chillin', like that dead guy from English a couple of weeks ago! "Drug driving... you'd be off your head!" Yes, indeed you would be. If you are drugged up and driving a car then you could end up like "A. Mate" couldn't you? I really shouldn't remember all of this... but I do so nevermind.
Haaaaa Kirsty is SO cool! xD
2 dogs plus 3 cats does not equal 5 camels...
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
mr. wright club and noel edmunds? again...
Quote of the day: “If you put it in the water, then it will be wet!” - Mr. Wright
=D He’s so cool and he doesn’t even know it! I’ve started a Mr. Wright fan club haahahahaha! I remember the time when he tripped up in the classroom and I had a complete laughing fit. Me and Wade seemed to be the only people in the class who saw it! I had to research subatomic particles today for homework. I found one website that completely confused the fuck out of me. It was all written in some weird mathematical values. Here’s the link: I wish I could understand it all, but it’s far too advanced for me. I might understand it one day, but I seriously doubt that will ever happen because I completely fail at maths.
My dad is watching Deal or No Deal? at the moment. Noel Edmonds is such a fucking twat. “Welcome to Deal or No Deal?” is not a question! I know that the title of the show itself is a question, but if he’s introducing the show then it’s a statement. He makes it even worse than that by saying “The show with no questions, except one: welcome to Deal or No Deal?” I can’t explain to you in words how much this irritates me. Well, I probably could, but there’s no need to wind myself up now.
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
me being a retard
Today has been interesting... I suppose. That's if I'm going to be positive, which I am not. It was a shit day. Well, I've had worse days so I'll go with an alright day. Nothing particularly good happened. Mrs. Lacey was talking about the status of women in Tudor England. I actually did find that interesting. She lost me when she started talking about all the Kings and Queens of England though. To be honest it was more like a private conversation between her and Louis. I am extremely jealous of his intelligence. I'm also rather jealous of his confidence. He really is one of the most arrogant people that I've ever met. The only difference is that it's always in a humourous way. Not such a bad thing I guess? I find it quite entertaining hahaha!
I think I'm addicted to roast beef flavoured Monster Munch. They taste nothing like beef, but they're really nice. I've managed to get through about six packets of them in three days. I love crisps. I reckon that I'd snort them if there was no other way to get them into my system. Actually, I take that back. I remember what happened when I got sherbet up my nose once... let's put it like this: it was not a very nice experience. Don't ever inhale talcum powder either. It chokes you. I know these things! Hahahahaha talcum powder. I remember when Kathryn used to take talcum powder into school so that she could sprinkle it into her hair at lunch time. Apparently it absorbs any excess moisture. She doesn't have greasy hair anyway so it was most probably a waste of time.
"Here I have a tube of iron filings.... filings of iron!" LMFAO! Some of my teachers are awesome. "Att....ack!" Hahaahahahaha! He's such a bloody 'tard and it's amazing!
Yeah I should probably go now before I get Franny and Winstoning. =S
Monday, 9 February 2009
a little bit of random
go to hell homework! you suck...
Sunday, 8 February 2009

you're just another brick in the wall 3
I really hate Mondays. Now I think about it, I seem to hate every day. Sometimes I think it's my friends that get me through the day, with their general stupidity and ability to make me smile. Sometimes with certain friends I find that we just sit there in silence most of the time. It's almost as if there's nothing to say between us. Maybe it's me that causes it. I don't know anymore. I don't think I even care. I want to, but something is stopping me. Don't know what that is yet.
I should've been going to cambridge today
Last night was so fucking boring. There was nothing on TV at all. I was going to watch Scary Movie, but within 5 mintues I decided that it was a load of crap. It failed at being funny. Kinda like... oh yeah that's right I can't say in case they somehow manage to find my blog and read it. I still can't believe that I had to resort to watching Shrek last night. That is shameful. It was a good film when it came out, but I find it a bit boring now to be honest. I saw Shrek II a couple of times but I haven't bothered with Shrek The Third, whatever it's called.
No one is online at the moment which sucks. Well, one person is but I talked to them all last night until about 11pm. I was also talking to someone else last night and they managed to piss me off. Everyone has been saying bad stuff about him so I thought I'd talk to him to see if they were right and they are. I'm not going to waste my time listening to him insult my friends. Talking to him is pointless because I have nothing to say to him. I hate all these constant hugs too. They mean nothing. he means nothing to me. I probably shouldn't have written this, but I have now.
Saturday, 7 February 2009
fuck the title
You always seem to go against me.
You make everything diffucult for me.
You hate me.
You make my life shit.
All you fuckers out there can go to hell.
I don't need you.
I don't need any of you.
Why would I want to be let down again?
Why would I want you to walk all over me again?
What is the point in doing anything?
It's not like it has any meaning whatsoever.
I'm fed up of all this crap that goes on in my life.
In fact, I'm fed up of my life.
It's the same routine.
So boring.
So pointless.
It's always the same.
I've done loads today already hahaha!
Friday, 6 February 2009
good day wooooo!
Anyway, enough talking about snow and school. I went round Kathryn's after school yay! We just mucked about and we made a video of us doing random stuff. =D It was quite a good video for out first time. However, we couldn't get it to load onto YouTube or Bebo so that sucked. At least we can see it LOL! Kathryn's house is so perfect. Well, in comparison to mine. I wish I lived in a house like that.
Thursday, 5 February 2009
valentine's day

snow use being at school!
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
something to do before school
What is it about the word 'ham' that is sooooooooooo funny? xD Hahahahahaha HAM! It's an amazing word. (y)
I'm too hot atm. I'm sitting in the corner near the radiator and I have my school jumper on and some arm warmers. I hate being too hot, which is most of the time. I love cold temperatures. Well, not freezing cold. If you're cold you can always warm up, if you're too hot you can't warm down. =( That's how I see it anyway.
OMG I was hyper last night. I kept twitching and shaking for about 3 hours solid. I must've had some sort of weird sugar rush. I don't think it was the crisps I had. Hmmm...?
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
omg retarded
I hate tuesdays
I think I'm just tired
Monday, 2 February 2009
a bath of oil!
I think I'm addicted to ELO. 'Calling America' is such a catchy song! My dad has their greatest hits album and it's one of those albums that's easy to listen to in the background.
blah blah blah!
My dad has left the door open so now it is cold in here. He's such a retard sometimes. I understand that he might feel hotter than me because he is fat, but that's no excuse to make the rest of us (meaning me) cold. *FROWNS*
For my citizenship homework I had to find a newspaper article about the environment. I thought that it was really, really, REALLY gay. Seriously, what's the point? I deal with environmental issues in science. I don't need to waste another hour a week going over it again. citizenship is another waste of my time because it's only worth half a GSCE. Pathetic. LOL! Imagine the job interview. Oh, by the way I have half a GCSE in citizenship. Like that's going to get me anywhere!
LMAO business was hilarious today! Wade wasn't in school, but me and George were drawing really dirty pictures on Paint. I didn't have any work to do because I did it at home the other day. I laughed so much that I dribbled all over the computer. HAHAHAHAHAHA! xD I swear he's been practising drawing penises in his spare time! ;)
Sunday, 1 February 2009
mostly movies I guess?
Talking of Oompa Loompas, I remember when I used to Love Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. The newest version with Johnny Depp is OK, but I much prefered the original. I missed all the cool songs from it! You can't have a Willy Wonka film without the awesome songs can you? I wonder how many people were singing "Willy Wanker" instead LOL! I know my mum and dad were. Yep, my family are weird.
Apparently it is meant to snow today. I think that is absolute RUBBISH! It never snows properly here. Well, it snowed once last year. However, I had a broken finger so I couldn't really have a proper snowball fight. I managed to get my next door neighbours in the balls. That's my good aim for you. (y)