My nan had to hook this dead hedgehog out of our pond yesterday. Idk why, but I found it vaguely amusing. I think it's the way that my nan went "I JUST HAD TO HOOK A DEAD HEADGEHOG OUT OF THE POND AND IT WAS ALL STIFF!" as soon as I came downstairs tbh. It's not the sort of thing you get shouted in your face every day. Poor Mr. Hedgehog (N) Au revoir *waves*
I had a weird dream last night that I was in my food classroom with Mr. Bray and we were doing this weird geography work. I was bursting for a pee, but when I went to the toilet, I couldn't pee *gasps* I felt like someone was watching me ¬¬
Talking about geography, I've almost completed the introduction for my coursework :]
I've been aiming to get about 300 words written each day this week and I'm doing well so far because I have 742 (Y) There's no way that I'm going to get it finished before I go back tbh, but at least I've made a start on something to hand in. I haven't been well enough to do anything :/ Hopefully the teachers won't shout at me for being ill.
I'm really worried about going back to school :'( I don't know if I'm going to be able to get up so early and walk about. Usually I feel so sick that I can't move. That's already a problem :( I haven't met up with friends for 22 days. I've only been out of the house 4 times. Once to go to the doctors, once to walk round the block and twice up town :( I'm so scared of going out because I feel so bad.
Hmm I'ma get up for a shower now.
the hedgehog is odd looking.
ReplyDeletei think that maybe once you get back into the school routine you'll feel better, although i'm probably wrong. if you do get there and feel ill just go to the medical room, you can listen to that fat woman in reception complaining. she gets angry if you text a parent to take you home, though. D:
word verification: PRONAD
almost gonad :L
ROFL! PRONAD! :L :L you're such a retard ^^
ReplyDeletethe hedgehog is odd looking because it's dead ahaha! it has limb erections :L
tourin might be good tbh (Y) LOL! *routine xD it's gonna be shitty for a while, but i suppose it'll get better with time.