Saturday, 8 August 2009

I feel as if I'm awake far too early. I was thinking about walking up into the town today, but I'm not sure whether I should spend another day in bed. I thought that I would feel better much quicker if I just laid there like a vegetable, watching crappy DVDs. I guess it's working so far because I'm not feeling too bad.

Well, this was pointless.


  1. surely when you're ill you get better faster if you get up and move? or is my mother just trying to stop me being lazy?
    hmm. get better soon, we can have the paddley pool out ;)

  2. I think it depends how ill you are. If you're really ill you should stay in bed and try not to overexhurt yourself so your body can fight off the infection. However, if you're not too ill you should get up and move to take your mind off it.
