Friday, 14 August 2009


1) I feel terrible... still :/

2) I've basically cancelled meeting up with Tom, although I left it open in case I start to feel any better (which sometimes happens)

3) I was mean to him just a minute ago :(
He said that I should go to the doctors, and perhaps he's right. It's just that I've felt similar to this before and I got better. It was a few years ago, but still...
Also, I don't want to risk going there and coming back with something much worse than I've got. A simple flu could potentially kill my mum.
I'm terrified of doctors/hospitals and if they tried to do anything to me (e.g. a blood test) then I'd go mental and have a breakdown.
Even if they give me medication, I can't take it. I will just throw up any medicine or pills. I get depressed when I have to take them.
I don't know what to even say to the doctors. I have no symptoms tbh. I just feel like shit. It's much worse in the mornings and usually better by night. Sometimes I feel slightly sick, but I rarely have any pains. I just feel run down, depressed and weak etc.
I just don't see how I'm going to benefit from it right now.

4) Facebook is all fucked up. An error message came up this morning. I didn't read it because I couldn't pay attention properly. It said something about running scripts. I don't know what I clicked. Anyway, Facebook's now written in Times New Roman and Courier New fonts, nothing fits on the page properly and it's generally a pile of crap. That has pissed me off today.

5) I'm fed up of not eating properly. If you read this blog then you already know parts of the story. Basically, I'm afraid of food and won't eat "normal" things because it makes me feel sick. On the plus side, I've lost half a stone.

6) I've watched 18 fucking DVD's in about 4 days. The only one I enjoyed was Jimmy Carr. I would be very grateful if my dad went out and bought/rented me some new ones. My brain just turns off when I know what's going to happen every single time. Not only that, but it's depressing.

7) I'm still freaked out about the dream I had last night.
I doubt it will make any sense to you lot, but here it is anyway.
Me and Stuart went into Dorothy Perkins together, only it was like a chip shop/bakery. I asked the woman behind the counter if she had anything "light and fluffy." She pointed to something, but I couldn't see it because I was too small. I just nodded and agreed that I would buy it. We waited a few minutes and she handed over this big, white plate of boiled carrots and potatoes. Stuart then decided that he wanted to eat in, so we sat on the bench in the front of the shop, with the plate on our laps. He was eating all the carrots and I was eating all the potatoes. (I'm not sure why that concerned because because I fudging hate carrots) Anyway, afterwards, I wanted to buy a cake. Stuart suggested that we went to Waitrose, seeing as everything else had shut. I looks at my watch (even though I never wear one) and it was 5:56. I was like "Oh SHIT. It shuts in 4 minutes, we better run." We made it there just in time, even if it was still really busy. I was looking frantically at all their chocolate cakes, but I couldn't find the one that I wanted. I picked up a massive round one that was £11 and began to walk away with it. Then I said "dad will kill me if I buy this", so I put it back. I looked again for a smaller cake and the only one I could find had the top missing from it. I picked it up and went to the till. I was about to pay for it with a £20 note, expecting it to be expensive, but he asked me if I had any change because it was only £1. Then we walked outside and it was dark.
This is the part where I woke up, feeling confused and quite horrified. It was a bad feeling dream, but I can't work out why because nothing much exactly happened.

8) I'm really uncomfortable laying in bed. The pillows keep sliding underneath the matress somehow, and it's making my back ache. I would push the matress up, but I don't have the strength. This pisses me off.

9) Tom just signed in and didn't start a conversation. This means that he's still pissed with me (N) Either that or he's just giving me some time. Time that I probably need, but still.

10) I'm really worried that I've already thrown my geography GCSE away. I've done none of the coursework :S I mean NONE at all. I want to do it, but have no motivation. I'm already too far behind and I hate the fucker.

I shall leave it there because I'm even starting to bore myself.

Have a nice day. I know I won't.


  1. Do you think maybe that you're feeling so run down because you eat so much shit? I think it probably would be a good idea to go to the doctors. I used to feel really ill all the time and they figured out that I was eating to much fat. They never gave me medicine or did any blood tests or anything. One said I was fat and mum got angry at him.
    Ever thought of watching films online? There are loads of sites with free movies on. Check out Role Models, that's kinda funny. It has the guy who played McLovin in it :D
    Facebook has been fuckng up a lot recently anyway, it's probably their fault.
    I had an odd dream last night, too. It involved pizza and a school disco :P

  2. Sounds like the symptoms of depression to me. Either go out and exercise (I don't know why but there is proven research that suggests this is more effective than anti depressants) or start using weed. Sounds like shit options but hey ho, no one said it would be easy....

  3. Your dream seems to relate to your current state, its full of oppisites,and quite contriversal information, which reflects the fact that you have no energy and are so down as you are usally very cheerfull and full of enregy, but personally i be more scraed about having a dream about stuart XD

    hope you get better soon lol x

  4. @ Emma: Yeah, my lifestyle could play a big part in it :/ I'm even getting bored of eating the that stuff I do now. I certainly don't enjoy it... I know that. (N)

    Mum says that I should go to the doctors if I'm not any better in a few days. I really don't wanna go, but I know that I kinda have to. Perhaps I'll have a nice doctor like you did lol. Was it a man or a woman that you saw?

    Never thought about watching films online. You mean "Lewis Porter"? The guy who played McLovin ;)

    Facebook was all messed up on the downstairs computer too, so I don't think it was entirely my fault for pressing buttons on error messages. (Y) I think that Facebook is a lesbian.

    Pizza disco? :L Make sure I'm not invited.

    @ Dan: :S I had a look at the symptoms of depression after you mentioned it and I do seem to have quite a few of them. I'll just see what happens. Maybe I'm making a fuss out of nothing. I certainly don't wanna take pills or anything and I don't think my parentage would approve of me smoking weed, not that I would lol. I guess gentle exercise is an option. Hurrah.

    @ Chris: Thanks :) I love the way you've ignored everything else and gone straight to the dream :) Is carrot the opposite to potato? :L Yeah, I was very scraed about having a dream about Stuart :L Nothing really made sense to me, but you've got some good points. You should tell me about my dreams more often :)

  5. yes. lewis ;)
    i've seen loadsa doctors, but they are usually male. i saw one doctor that was a woman, but that was for my chicken pox. she was... odd.
    you should try eating new things. what about pasta? do you like pasta? you can do SO much with pasta. (ilovepastaa)
    rofl i won't invite you to my "pizza disco" :L
    i think i've conned dad into letting my have my party on the 19th btw. i'ma have a pirate party, coz the 19th is national talk like a pirate day. it seems fitting.

  6. i feel like watching superbad again :) it's actually a pretty crap film, but those are the sorts that i like :L i thought the hangover was one of the best so far xD ohhh mclovin <3

    i usually go to see one doctor called dr jain (it's pronounced like "jan") STUPID UNECESSARY LETTERS. he be a male. made me lift my shirt once so he could listen to my chest through my back :L he's really nice though :D

    i think you might like pasta :) i like it too, but not in LARGE quantites (Y) e.g. 2 massive plates +o( i'll have to find things to put in it (Y)

    good :) me + pizza = someone gets hurt (A) lol

    xD we could play geoffrey leonard in pirate :)
    yush, sounds like a good idea. does that mean that you won't have to attend that chavvy woman's wedding? :L

  7. Put chicken in the pasta!
    & no, I'm not going to her shitty wedding (:

  8. shitty chav weddings must be the worst D:
    they're only gonna split up after a couple of months over something stupid.
