Sunday, 25 January 2009

a better life

I've just realised how pathetic my problems are in comparison to other people's. I've been told so many times before that I shouldn't compare myself to others, but maybe I needed that comparison all along, maybe all I had to do was look around. If I can push all my negativity aside, then I have a great life waiting for me. That's the only thing I can think of that could possibly be holding me back. I could enjoy my life more, I just need to be positive. I know that, it's just hard. Being negative has become a habit. I see the worst in everything, apart from people. Maybe I just have to accept that some things have no point in life. I'm asking questions with no answers. Not only does that frustrate me, it makes me feel really small and worthless. I just need to learn how to stop.


  1. hi
    they matched me with you because we both like the script, so im not some weird stalker, dont worry.

    i know what you mean, btw. im pretty negative myself. and i have such insignificant issues. but dont feel worthless, we're all like that sometimes :)


  2. Hahaha! You don't look much like a weird stalker anyway. ;)

    Thanks. So, you live in Hong Kong? That's like the other side of the world!
