Sunday, 25 January 2009

the meaning of life

What's the meaning of life? :) Someone please tell me. I'd love to know what you think.


  1. let's translate that for you.
    The title of my post :
    When you think it's impossible.
    1. Cand cineva iti spune ca e imposibil.. - When someone tell you that's impossible
    2.Priveste in jur - Look around
    3.Gandeste-te la toate optiunile. - Think about all options
    4.Apoi pur si simplu arunca-te inainte. - Then purely throw forward
    5.Foloseste-te de toate resursele pe care le ai. - Use all resource that you have
    6.Fii Creativ - Be Creative.
    7.In final le vei dovedi ca te-au subestimat - Finally you will prove that they underestimate you.

  2. LOL I just found it really, really, REALLY funny! I don't know why. I had a complete laughing fit for some reason. Over a snail! xD

  3. The meaning of life is to keep living, in my opinion. But everyone's always unsatisfied when I say that. Like I haven't given enough of an answer.

    If you aren't satisfied, here's an alternative: the meaning of life is to have eaten a pumpkin donut. That makes it easy. :)
