Friday, 19 June 2009

I should spend this time completing my coursework, which I am terribly behind with... however, I'd much rather do this right now. I'll have time to get some of it done tomorrow because I've decided to meet you guys in town a little later, probably after lunch. :) I need to make a start on my "Frankenshite" essay, my osmosis coursework and my geography coursework on susainable tourism in the Norfolk Broads. All of these make me want to grill kittens and eat them, but I will fail at life if I don't do well.

I had a geography exam today actually. It lasted an hour and a half, but I had over 45 minutes to spare, which worried me slightly. I didn't find it that difficult or challenging, but often when I think that, I've completely failed it. At the end of the exam, the invigilator got out a lemon wipe and just stood there holding it. I was laughing so much inside and I couldn't help laughing outside :L I had to resort to putting my hands over my face so that I couldn't see him. I found this rather amusing and it only made me laugh more.

Oh crap time for dinner. I shall finish this later...

1 comment:

  1. You abandoned me on IM!! T.T

    Ugh. Frankenshite. I remember that. I bullshitted through to the very end. My teacher bought it, tho. LOL!
