Thursday, 12 February 2009

my many marriages and a random camel oh and snow drug driving darling and yes...

Sarah + George + Wade = Emma + Jack + (some other guy)

This is a balanced equation! 5+6+4=15 4+4+(7)=15
Emma needs to marry someone with a 7 letter name! Then it's equal between us! ;-) No more fighting over marriages!

I LOVE EMMA! I LOVE GEORGE! I LOVE WADE! Everybody is happy!

OMG it's still snowing! It hasn't snowed like this for a long time. Usually we get one crappy day of snow a year, but we've had quite a few so far! I'm getting a little bit bored of it to be honest. I miss summer! I love going up town with friends and just chillin', like that dead guy from English a couple of weeks ago! "Drug driving... you'd be off your head!" Yes, indeed you would be. If you are drugged up and driving a car then you could end up like "A. Mate" couldn't you? I really shouldn't remember all of this... but I do so nevermind.

Haaaaa Kirsty is SO cool! xD

2 dogs plus 3 cats does not equal 5 camels...


  1. aren't you married to tilly too?

  2. Nope. It wasn't an offical marriage or anything like that. It was like another one of those casino weddings.

  3. But no one has a 7 letter name!

  4. Oh well nevermind then. I still want Jack to be my beyatch!

  5. THAT'S ALL I AM? A BIT ON THE SIDE??! man dammit!

  6. I'm afraid so! You can be my beyatch though! That just rhymed! ;-) I'm well proud of that LOL! xD
