Sunday, 6 September 2009

I'm really not looking forward to school tomorrow. I just can't function that early in the morning. Mainly because I feel so sick that I can't move. So yeah, walking to school is going to be fun.
:( Sorry if I don't talk much, Jazz. I'll probably be walking unbearably slow too. That's if I don't leave a bit earlier to save you the hassle.

Also, about parties. Idk if I can make it to either :'( I can't see myself any better by the 19th for Emma's party, but I'll see how it goes at school and stuff. I just can't say atm. I don't want to turn up to either party and just sit there feeling terrible. I hope it gets better though because I like parties :(

It's starting to feel like I'm never going to get better tbh. It's hard to tell myself "it doesn't last forever" :( But idk what to do to make it go away. No one really helps me that much so I'm going to look up self help shit. Chris helps a lot with random advice, Tom listens and Tilly tells me it's going to be okay, but it doesn't make me any less ill.



  1. nooo, don't go without me D:

    I don't mind if you're slow and quiet.

    also, can you please try to come to my party? *flutters eyelashes* if you still feel ill when you're there you can leave whenever you want (seeing as you live so close) but please try and come ^.^

  2. okey doke then boodi of ja. i shall not leave without you. my house. 8-ish'acus'eth. (812 o'clock)

    mornings = fail
    imagine rissa x by corpse 1000 + sickness and lack of being able to walk.
    maths. i fail at it.

    i just realised how much sense that made. absolutely none :L

    i will try come to your party :) it's in 20 days, which is quite a while away now. by then i should've adapted to the school routine and hopefully won't be feeling too terrible :) i will try my best to get to emma's too parce que parties are funsies :)

    depends how well i am whether i drink alkermahols or not :L all the websites tell me i should stay away from it ^^

  3. yay!

    you make loads of sense and you know it :D

    you don't need to the alkermahols if you're not feeling well, I doubt anyone will be forcing it down your throat :)

  4. you should try to come to mine, too. we'll all walk you home if you don't feel well after a while.
    + i probably won't be on the alekrmahols, so we can be sober buddies. except we'll be acting mor drunk than everyone else. :L:L
