Sunday, 10 May 2009

Fucking stupid pile of crap Netbook. All I wanted to do was go on MSN to talk to my friends so that they could cheer me up like they always do.

What happened when I signed in? I had no contacts.
What happened when I tried to add contacts? It said that they didn't have MSN.
What happened when I went on Facebook? It fucked up so that I couldn't do anything on it.

It works perfectly on this computer. Dad keeps shouting at me about it and I wish he'd just shut the hell up. There's nothing he can do to fix it. It's not my fault it's not working. He's the one that updated the fucker. There's no use blaming me for something that was no one's fault. He keeps asking me all these questions and I don't have a fucking clue what he's talking about. All I know it that it's not working on the Netbook. I don't know what he wants me to say to him. I don't know any more than he does about it. I wish he'd just leave it. Throw the fucking thing in the river for all I care. In fact, I'm not going to bother using it again. If it's going to cause so many problems then I just won't go on it. That will save me from these pathetic arguments. Why can't he just drop it? He's just making me really fucking angry and ruining my day. I already hate sundays enough. I might just go out and sit there all on my own. I can't bare to be in this house with them.


  1. Well did ya seriously expect anyone on MSN at 9am! I was in bed snoring my head off but if I had of known you were on it. I would have signed in to keep ya company :)

    *sigh... the extremes I go to keep people happpy!

  2. No I didn't, but he kept pissing about trying to get it to work. 3 of my friends were online at 9am. ;) I'm on the computer most of the time lol. :)

    HAHAHAHAA! A big fluffy teddybear would make me very happpy! :D
