Monday, 11 May 2009

Now playing: Funeral For A Friend - On A Wire
via FoxyTunes

Do you know how hard it is to type and sing at the same time? I just can't do it, no matter how hard I try. I'm going to turn my music down now anyway because it's starting to make my ears hurt and the next-door-neighbours are probably getting pissed off with it. I used to have music wars with their son when he still lived there. He put his crappy music on loud, so I put mine on louder. ;) Don't you just love me? I'm so annoying.

Anyway, I haven't had a bad day. I actually decided to do some work. *Gasps* I even wrote neatly on my geography worksheets! I like learning about the hydrological cycle and stuff because it's mainly (not manly!) science and I actually get it. Mrs. Kay wasn't here either so I enjoyed that. I even did half of the work set. Then I had science and I was violating all the people in the textbook by stroking their crotches and boobs. Lol I told you I was weird. "James has autism. He does not look disabled." ROFL you should've seen the picture. FAIL! Then we had had English and I had no idea what Mrs. Lacey was on about. Nevermind. Lastly was maths. I understood every word even though Mrs. Grant was being a moody bitch. OMG ASSEMBLY WASN'T RELIGIOUS! Lol 'Jenkinson-Dix'. What a name. ;) Also, well done for peeing, Jazz! You are not an animal! You are a human being. Poor John Merrick. It's your fault I ended up with boob in my mouth. >:(

Now playing: Celine Dion - Think Twice
via FoxyTunes

Celine Dion always reminds me of Kathryn's mum. I'm not sure why, but every time I see/hear Celine Dion I think of her mum. :) ... Eurgh I don't want to stand with those fucktards at lunch, sorry. I'll probably just sit alone or find new friends. (Y)

I might get myself a Chinese for tea tonight. No one is home because mum and dad are at the hospital. I really really REALLY don't want poxy soup for dinner. I'll spend a tenner of my own money on overpriced food. :) That's if I can walk up there. I still have a spastic leg. :(

Brendan is actually awesome. Just thought I'd mention that. :)


  1. haha. i hate typing and singing. i end up singing what i'm supposed to be typing and typing what i'm supposed to be singing :P

  2. Yeah exactly! Then it looks like someone mentally retarded wrote it 'cause they're like "WHAAAAAAT?" when they read it. :D Where were you today? D:

  3. YEAH! It's hard. I sing a lot, very badly. And I always type what I sing. Terrible...hahahaha

    Oh goodness, my handwriting's terrible.

    I'm listening to Bob Marley! Just thought I'd share, cuz Foxytunes does that for you. He's amaaaaaaazing.

    I could go with some Chinese food. I'm jealous. :)

  4. actually i can see the resemblance now. come sit with me + george + laura (Y)

    brendan actually is amazing. he's well nice (Y)

  5. You have spazzy handwriting?? Mine if neat, but I don't bother very often tbh. :/

    BOB MARLEY LOL! I watched him on YouTube once and didn't like the music. :O

    My Chinese food was nice. I even got a refund from my dad. :)

  6. Yeah I'll probably start going with you. :) I'm not interested in those people. They look at me and think "freak!" I don't see why I should waste my time with more one-way friendships. I'd rather not bother and stay in my comfort zone where all the people are nice. :)
