Thursday, 14 May 2009

"Nah, he has his own G-Spot Vibrator...
(heaven version)"

ROFLMFAO! This makes me laugh. God just got found out!! HAHAHAHAHA!

I had my biology examn today!! It was stupid. I hope I did okay, but there were a lot of questions that I didn't understand. Hopefully in the future I'll get to write something because I hate all the multiple choice questions. You could argue what the correct answers are and I don't like it. I think of citizenship when I think of this and it annoys me greatly. Nevermind.


  1. Ugh, I know...
    But whats good about that, is that you can argue your point out, and if you have a really lazy teacher, she''ll be like, Fine Whatever!
    And give you a good grade...haha

    Or she might be really mean, and cranky, and not...

  2. But with multiple choice you know you have a 1 in 4 chance or whatever of getting the right answer. Just do "Eeney Meaney Miney Mo" LOL I'm so old........:(

  3. Hahaha I have no female science teachers. ;) One is old and insane and the other never shuts up about university level biology. I just can't win in this situation lol.

  4. Yeah that is an advantage of multiple choice questions, but the answers could be argued. They suck cock. >:(

    LOL that was sooooooo primary school. ;) Love it. I'm a big kid. :)

  5. Haha, oh dear...

    I hate guy teachers, even the young ones, they drive me nuts...

    I like the Eney Meany Miney Moe idea, haha

  6. Guy teachers aren't that bad, but some of them are pretty arrogant and not to mention crazy. I like having male and female teachers. :)
