Saturday, 21 March 2009

I'm really fucking fed up at the moment. I've actually had a really good day. I went out with Emma, Kirsty and Jack. We didn't do much to be honest, just messed about and did a bit of shopping. We saw Zoe and Phil out as well and we sat with them for a while, but then we went our separate ways. The point in which I wanted to leave was when we first saw Zoe and Phil. I don't know what happened, but I just started feeling really weird. I have no idea why I started feeling like that because I was having a great time. I wasn't even thinking of anything. I didn't like being surrounded by all these people and I started to feel really suffocated. I got a text from George as well, so that made me think of him and then it made me sad. I was also a bit pissed off that he didn't text me back.

I'm getting another Chinese takeaway for dinner tonight. I never have them this often. I only had one last night! I'll start getting really fat if I keep eating stuff like this. I need to get my diet sorted out because I eat all the wrong things and too much of them. I know what a healthy diet is, but it's so hard to eat these foods because I'm so fussy. I've been brought up eating crap, and now it's almost impossible for me to change my eating habits. I'm just so unhealthy and unfit. I feel tired all the time, and I get depressed a lot.

I wore those shorts today. I was wearing some black tights with them. I haven't worn shorts since I was about 10, and that was 4 years ago. I just don't feel comfortable. I don't mind wearing tights with them though. That's a start I guess. I just hate my legs because they're so fat and far too pale. I much prefer trousers.

Perhaps I've just tired myself out. I don't know. *sigh* I just want someone to talk to. I'm so damn lonely. Seeing all those couples out there today didn't help either. I hate seeing them laying in the sun together, all happy. I wish I was all happy, but how can I be? I have all this shit on my mind. I'd love to say everything, but I can't because some people might read it and be offended. I don't want to mention anyone's name, but that's the only way I can get it out of my system. I don't enjoy being bitchy, but sometimes it makes me feel better about myself. Maybe I wouldn't have to resort to that if people complimented me once in a while. I feel so unappreciated.


  1. you should have said something if you didn't want to sit with Philip + Zoe, we wouldn't have minded, and I think were were intruding on them, anyway x]

  2. It wasn't them. I like them both. I just felt all tired. :S

  3. Ahh, I hate seeing couples when you're tired being single and the loneliness that accompanies it. There was one point where all of my close friends were in relationships while I was single, and it sucked.

    Hang out with other people!
    It'll get better, I promise. :)

  4. I've been hanging about a lot and it's awesome! I've been missing out so much these years! :-O

  5. ummm....I don't know what to tell you....

    When that happens to me i just go with people who's relationships are self-destructing...although that isn't very healthy....

    But it'll get better! Trust me! :)
