Tuesday, 21 April 2009

I'm dressed like a girl today! I'm wearing a flowery boob tube top and some denim three quarter lengths. (Note to self: get a strapless bra) Lol. It's not that bad actually, it's just that the straps look a bit weird. I need to seriously get a tan or something because I look like I have leukemia or something. Obviously no offence to people who have it. I'm not going to sit here and make cancer jokes when my mum is dying of it. That's just plain mean.

Today has been pretty boring. Just a normal school day really. However, I am impressed that I'm not in a foul mood because it's Tuesday and I hate Tuesdays. They're the worst day of the week for me because I have PE and cooking. Today we played 'tennis', but out teacher wasn't here so me and Kathryn pissed about and did nothing. We were actually playing a very mean game, but we won't go into it right now. Lol.

Lol. I met a Jewish boy today. Kathryn knows what I mean. :D It's a little private joke that we have. I love Italy. She's my bitch forever. I promise that you'll get your candlelit three course dinner one day. Just you and me. It'll be our first proper date. Hahahaha! Why am I directly talking to you? You don't ever read this! Well, tits to you! You know you like 'em. ;) I wanted to spank you so much today. How dare you bend your ass in front of me like that? :D I tried so hard not to do it, but it was there right in front of me. You know what I get like. ;) Argh too many smileys!

By the way, hello NANAKAh Ferreira?

I should go before I break something. Too hyper. Emma did it. Blame her. ;)
Cheerio my lovers!


  1. LOL nothing wrong with dressing like a girl. I'm sure your guy friends don't mind. ;)

    Yeah, I hate Tuesdays too. If I have a terrible day, it usually falls upon a Tuesday. Or at least it's been working out like that recently. I had a bad Tuesday again (D:) but oh well. It happens.

    LOL horny much? ;)

    Nice to see you in a good mood again, by the way. :)

  2. LOL most of my guy friends turn out to be idiots in the end. Ah well, hopefully I'll make some more. ;)

    EURGH tell me about it! Tuesdays suck so badly. D: *Hi-5* for crappy Tuesdays lol! Nah, it's not a good thing, but something that I am learning to accept.

    Just a little. ;) It's the weather! I often feel happy when the sun comes out. :D

    Thanks. :) I love it when people are nice for once. It's awesome. (Y)

  3. I have no idea what you did, but I blamed it on you! I think I blamed me being insane on you. I have NOT...NOT...NOT.........NOT! Lol lol lol lol lol lol he's funny. Bloody nutter. :D Imagine how much sense that makes to somebody who doesn't know what we're on about.

  4. LOL
    it makes no sense at all :)

    Andddd, you're welcome. :)

  5. Sarah: Awww! Happy to see you happy! Yesterday's bitch-fit is over, I'm like moo! Lol!

    w4y2n1rv4n4: Ahhhhh! You! Invite me to your blog!! I'll post my email as a comment on my blog, kay....?

  6. I invited you, chaos dreaming. :)

  7. Lol I love you command "You!" Hahahaha! So polite. xD
